Parent account to access Pittwater house services

Pittwater house is using Microsoft accounts to grant the access to parents for different services.

As a parent, you will receive an invitation to the email address you provided to the school. The invitation comes from Microsoft's email address and should look like this:

 You need to click "Accept the invitation" link and you will be taken through the process of creating a Microsoft account.

(Please note: If your email address is already a Microsoft account then you can use the password from that account straight away the system won't ask you to create one.)

Hotmail and other Microsoft accounts

If your email address is you won't need to create a password and the password from the that Hotmail account will be used, the same applies

to any other email address that are set up as Microsoft account including organisational/work ones.

Organisational/work account may cause issues in some cases - there is a section below that goes into details on that.

Once you successfully accepted the invitation - you'll be taken to TASS Parent lounge. Your email will be your username for other school services that are using these accounts.

At this stage, these services are:

The IT department do not have the access to parents' passwords anymore and cannot assist in resetting them, if you forgot your password, please use this link:

Below is a full article from Microsoft on resetting the password:

Reset a forgotten Microsoft account password 

(Please note: The link would not work for organisational/work account, also if you haven't accepted the invitation - you might receive a message that account does not exist)

Account issues

As the school does not create accounts and using Microsoft platform to onboard parents, in some cases it can cause an issue.

If the email you provided to the school belong to organisation and is a Microsoft account as well, depending on the restrictions your organisation places on these accounts you might not be able to use it seamlessly. In this case we recommend changing your parent email - the process for that described further in the article.


We do recommend configuring and using Microsoft Authenticator app, as not only it makes your account more secure, but it helps logging in from different devices easily and without a need to remember the password, as well as recovering forgotten password, you can find more information about the app here:

How to use the Microsoft Authenticator app

Changing/updating your parent's email address 

If you wish to change your parent's email address, please contact Admin department at, stating that you want to change/update your email address, once they process the change our system will pick it up automatically and issue the new invitation overnight.

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